Posted by: Avivah | April 29, 2009

Planting blueberry bushes

At long last, my blueberry bushes arrived a couple of days ago.  I ended up calling the company to change my initial order several days after I posted about it, so I only got three varieties instead of six.  The reason I changed the order is they have special pricing for ordering a prepackaged group of 15 plants (just $50 for two year plants).  When I ordered 30, it was because I wanted to take advantage of the pricing and get two sets.  But it turns out that you need to specify that you want the sets of 15, and if you don’t, you get charged a higher price.  It was worth making the call and checking, since it saved me $40.

If you order the sets like this, they send you whatever they decide to send on that day, and can’t tell you ahead of time what it will be.  But whatever they send will be suitable for your climate.  The three varieties that I received were Jersey, Elliot, and Blue Ray.

 >>Where did you buy your blueberry bushes from?<< 

 A while back I posted about an opportunity to get $20 off of a plant order, and that I ordered blackberry canes and strawberry plants from that company.  But I wouldn’t say that company has super prices – once you start doing research, you see what a wide variety of prices you’ll find, and how many plants or seeds you’re able to buy will depend on finding affordable sources for what you want.

I found a great company for seeds and fruit trees/bushes (Fedco), but they’re located in Maine and so I couldn’t order berry bushes from them because they have plants that are appropriate for colder climates than mine.  After doing a lot of research, I settled on a company in a gardening zone similar to mine, that has what seems to me pretty good prices for blueberry bushes –

Yesterday we put most of them in the yard – they need to planted in an acidic soil, so I went out with my ds to Home Depot to get some peat moss to plant them in.  We’ve put a row between us and the neighbors on each side – on one side we have a fence between us, but on the other we don’t, and I really hope that they don’t get trampled by visiting grandchildren.  😦   They are only about 24 inches high. 

After putting most of them in, we still have a few more to plant, but I don’t know where to put them!  I’m considering lining the back of my yard with them, but the partial fence there is overgrown with weeds that are like small trees and my dh is going to take care of that.  The only problem is, he probably won’t have a chance to get to it for another few weeks, and the plants need to go in as soon as possible, so they don’t die!  


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